Piccadilly Square Summer Bucket List

We’re ready for Summer in Newton and while we have the traditional Summer Bucket List to-dos of lobster rolls, beach days, and outdoor adventures, we’ve also got a few ideas of things a little closer to Piccadilly Square that can enhance your summer experience.Take a peek, and let us know when you’ve crossed off the whole list!

1. Start a new savings account at Webster Bank to fund your next big trip or project: There’s no time like the present to start thinking about your next savings goal. Whether it’s funding your next trip, home renovation project, or setting up a long term saving account for retirement the team at Webster Bank can guide you through the process.

2. Early morning Bagels and Lox at Rosenfeld’s: Some things in life are worth waking up early for, and the fresh bagels and lox at Rosenfeld’s Bagels are one of them. Grab your bagels, take a walk through the square, and enjoy. Bonus points if you bring some back for everyone sleeping in at home!

3. Commit to a healthy habit: Whether it’s improving your training and workouts with one-on-one stretching sessions at LYMBR or replacing your XL coffee and breakfast sandwich for a cleaner option from 11:11 Health Bar, now is the time to commit to one healthier habit.

4. Completely unplug for a day: We are constantly facing distractions throughout our days; computers at the office, televisions all around us, cellular devices in our hands. Leave your cell phone on silent in the locker room at Christine’s Day Spa and allow yourself to completely unplug while you enjoy a luxurious treatment. It doesn’t have to be a an all day affair, an hour or two will do it!

5. Try something new: Whether it’s a new dish you’ve never tried such as Comedor’s Crispy Quail or Squid Tacos or a new experience like the escape-the-room challenge at Puzzle Break. Summertime is a great time to discover something new you never knew you loved.